Gundam Seed VS Astray 1/100 LG-GAT-X105 Gale Strike Gundam
In the "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED VS ASTRAY" manga, Gale Strike Gundam is a close-combat unit created by Librarian Works and also an updated variation of Aile Strike Gundam. The Mobile Suit piloted by ND HE is now offered as this sharply detailed snap-fit plastic kit that will be fully articulated with polycapped joints upon completion. Its weapon loadouts consist of two Igelstelung 75mm automatic multi-barrel CIWS, two beam sabers, two Armor Schneider assault knives, a 57 mm high-energy beam rifle, two wing saws, and an anti-beam coating shield attached to the Shield Striker backpack. Gale Strike Gundam can also be equipped with the Buster Striker unit from the Hail Buster Gundam. Foil stickers and marking stickers are provided.